Composers to Discover! Ida Moberg’s Transfiguration

Composers to Discover! Ida Moberg’s Transfiguration

We continue our series, Composers to Discover! featuring essays by students in the Public Musicology Certificate Program at Columbus State University.  Violinist Samuel Vargas Teixeira has an international career as a performer and recently graduated from the Schwob...
Smyth’s Der Wald in forthcoming recording!

Smyth’s Der Wald in forthcoming recording!

By   Dr. Amy Zigler, an Ethel Smyth scholar and Associate Professor of Music at Salem College. She will be speaking about the recording, the female characters, and issues of agency in Der Wald at the Operatic Feminisms symposium on March 25, 2023, at Columbia...
Michiru Oshima: Eastern Musical Icon

Michiru Oshima: Eastern Musical Icon

We are very excited to conclude Women’s History Month with a post by Featured Guest Blogger Elizabeth de Brito.  Ms. de Brito is the Founder and Creator of The Daffodil Perspective, a classical music podcast where every show is gender balanced and racially...