The Music of the Remarkable Mrs. Sirmen

The Music of the Remarkable Mrs. Sirmen

We apologise for taking so long to get back to Part II of our post about composer and violinist Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen (1745-1818).  Part I, about her life, is found here.  Our guest author is the London-based musician Martin Ash, whose website is...
Quinn Mason on Vítězslava Kaprálová

Quinn Mason on Vítězslava Kaprálová

Once again, we are happy to welcome Quinn Mason (fresh from his Seattle conducting debut) as Guest Blogger!  He offers his insights on Vítězslava Kaprálová, in particular two of her orchestral works, Rustic Suite (1938) and Military Sinfonietta (1936-1937). Vítězslava...
What to Listen to During Social Distancing

What to Listen to During Social Distancing

These are anxious times.  As we do our part to participate in the self-imposed social isolation that most of the world is finding themselves in these days, we have collected some resources that we may all turn to in the coming restless days.  Many arts organizations...