International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

We hope that you are able to participate in International Women’s Day and #DayWithoutAWoman in whatever way you can.  Stay home.  Wear red.  And tune in to the different radio stations that are making it a point to include works by women composers throughout...
WPA Now on iTunes!

WPA Now on iTunes!

We debuted the new WPA Podcast last year with conversations about Kaija Saariaho’s premiere at the Met.  We are now thrilled to announce that our podcast is now available through iTunes! Subscribe to “Feminist in the Concert Hall” in iTunes to make...

Monday Link Round Up: December 12, 2016

News to start your week! Congratulations to Jennifer Higdon on two Grammy Nominations!  The new recording of Higdon’s first opera, Cold Mountain,  has been nominated for the Best Opera Recording as well as the Best Contemporary Classical Composition.  Read more...