Amy Beach at the Library of Congress

I had the opportunity to explore a bit of the archives at the Library of Congress when completing my Master’s thesis.  It was a thrilling experience – and one I hope to repeat when time allows, and research requires.  The LOC is such a treasure to any...

Winners Chosen for EarShot Commissions

The League of American Orchestras together with EarsShot, and with support of the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation, have announced the first commissions of new symphonic works by women composers.  The new commissions, which were first announced in February, comes from...
Chin’s Clarinet Concerto Gets U.S. Premiere

Chin’s Clarinet Concerto Gets U.S. Premiere

Unsuk Chin’s Clarinet Concerto, which was completed in 2004, will finally receive it’s U.S. Premiere with the New York Philharmonic this weekend.  It was co-commissioned with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, and the Barcelona...

Women Composers of Scotland

All of the recent news surrounding the Scottish vote for independence has the classical music community reflecting on the music and musicians that have come out of Scotland.  NPR’s Classical Music Blog, Deceptive Cadence, wrote up a quick review of some of their...