Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day – arguably, one of American’s favorite holidays to celebrate – here is “Irish Love Song” by Margaret Ruthvan Lang.   Lang was the first American woman to have an orchestral composition performed...

Interview with Caroline Shaw

New Music Box just posted a fabulous conversation with Pulitzer Prize winning composer Caroline Shaw.  At the time she won the Pulitzer much was made about her age (she was only 30 – the youngest ever person to win) and her training, or lack thereof.  You can...
Higdon in Philadelphia

Higdon in Philadelphia

Jennifer Higdon is one of the most recognized and sought-out composers today.  She has won a Pulitzer Prize as well as a Grammy, is actively commissioned, and has already seen one premiere this year, will have another happening in just a few weeks, and her first opera...

The “Female Beethoven” rediscovered in north Germany!

“The Norwegians have their Grieg, The Finns their Sibelius, the Poles have their Chopin.  And WE have Emilie Mayer – we just didn’t know it until now!”  So proclaimed the northern German Nordkurrier  in May 2012, when the Neubrandenburger Philharmonie...