Death of Rae Linda Brown, pioneering Florence Price Scholar

With great sadness, Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy mourns the passing of Dr. Rae Linda Brown, who died following a brief illness of sarcoma (a rare cancer of the connective tissue). A musicologist, professor, university administrator, and past President of the...
Composers You Should Know: Pauline Hall

Composers You Should Know: Pauline Hall

This week we recognize the work of Norwegian writer, music critic, social activist, and composer Pauline Hall (1890-1969). She studied in Oslo and later in Paris.  Hall was known for her harsh criticism of dilettantism and her advocacy for modern music.  She made her...
Composers You Should Know: Pauline Viardot

Composers You Should Know: Pauline Viardot

This week we remember the life and work of Pauline Viardot (1821-1910).  A French composer, educator, and mezzo-soprano of Spanish descent, Viardot had an extensive performing and compositional career beginning at a young age. Lucky enough to find family support in...
Composers You Should Know: Peggy Stuart Coolidge

Composers You Should Know: Peggy Stuart Coolidge

This week marks the 104th birthday of American composer and conductor Peggy Stuart Coolidge (1913-1981). She began her career as a concert pianist, but turned to composition when a student at the New England Conservatory.  Though her early works are for piano, most of...
Composers You Should Know: Liza Lehmann

Composers You Should Know: Liza Lehmann

This week we are remembering the life and work of British composer and soprano Liza Lehmann (1862-1918).   Born into a privileged family, Lehmann was given the opportunity to study music from a very early age in voice and composition.  Her teachers included Hamish...
Composers You Should Know: Ruth Shaw Wylie

Composers You Should Know: Ruth Shaw Wylie

Saturday, June 24, is the 101st birthday of American composer and music educator Ruth Shaw Wylie (1916-1989).   Born in Ohio, Wylie grew up in Detroit and considered herself to be, “a fairly typical Midwestern composer”.  After earning her PhD in composition at...