Feminist in the Concert Hall
Link Roundup: June 26, 2023
Start the week by catching up with some of the exciting and GOOD news!! San Francisco Opera has staged its first work by a woman composer, El último sueño de Frida y Diego by Gabriela Lena Frank and (librettist) Nilo Cruz. Also the first production of a work in...
On The Passing of Kaija Saariaho
We are saddened to hear about the death of Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, who passed away at home in Paris overnight. In October 2022 there were celebrations around the world for her 70th birthday. Immediately prior to her passing, Saariaho completed a concerto...
2023-2024 Season: By The Numbers
Sarah Baer offers her annual statistical study of the representation of women composers in the top 21 U.S. orchestras; also the representation and role of women conductors is examined. Liane Curtis also offered editorial input to this article. Symphony orchestras...
The Women’s Orchestra Project of Berlin
VAN Magazine of Germany recently published this interview with two key figures of the Women's Orchestra Project of Berlin. Author Merle Krafeld kindly gave permission for a translation to be published here. Liane Curtis and Laura W. Macy have edited the Google...
Link Roundup: June 6, 2023
Readers have bemoaned the lapse of our Link Roundup feature, SO, we are going to try and get back in the swing of it! It just seems like there is SO much important news sometimes, and we can't claim to have a complete grasp on it -- but here are a FEW important and...
Celebrating Louise Farrenc’s Symphonies
By Sarah Baer We are remembering the life and work of French composer, pianist, and educator Louise Farrenc. This is fitting not just because her birthday is May 31 (she would be 219 this year), but because WPA Publishing has released new editions of two of her...