On The Passing of Kaija Saariaho

On The Passing of Kaija Saariaho

We are saddened to hear about the death of Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, who passed away at home in Paris overnight.  In October 2022 there were celebrations around the world for her 70th birthday.  Immediately prior to her passing, Saariaho completed a concerto...
Premieres of Karpman and Saariaho

Premieres of Karpman and Saariaho

We’re looking forward to two concerts happening this Thursday from 2014 Performance Grant winners, each of which features a premiere. The Pacific Symphony will be offering the World Premiere of Siren Songs by Laura Karpman.  Program notes for the concert are...
Saariaho Premiere at Library of Congress

Saariaho Premiere at Library of Congress

Kaija Saariaho has another new work being premiered this week.  The Library of Congress has co-commissioned Light and Matter, a new work for piano trio, which will be premiered Friday, May 22.  The same concert will also hear Saariaho’s Aure for violin and...
World Premiere of Saariaho

World Premiere of Saariaho

The Los Angeles Philharmonic will be giving the World Premiere of a new commission by Kaija Saariaho.  True Fire is written for orchestra and solo baritone and will be performed at concerts May 14-17.  The composer says this about the work: This piece has been growing...