New Music Compilation

Over at The Rambler, Tim Rutherford-Johnson reviewed a new compilation of works composed by Fellows of the New York Foundation for the Arts. Titled 25 Years of New York New Music, the collection, consisting of 5 discs and 61 tracks, recognizes the works of...

Remembering Phyllis Tate

A post at The Overgrown Path gave a passing mention to the work of British composer Phyllis Tate. The specific reference was that she, among other British composers, were often neglected due to the fame that Benjamin Britten carried throughout his lifetime. In reading...

Join the Conversation: Women in the Berlin Philharmonic

The blog of Tony Woodcock, president of the New England Conservatory, has caused quite a stir as of late – at least around the members of the International Alliance for Women in Music. The article that’s causing such a stir, which may seem innocuous at first, touts...