Tag: Second Inversion

  • Monday Link Round Up: April 30, 2018

    News to start your week! A survey of 600 musicians in the UK reveals “a culture of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in orchestras, bands and music education”.  The Guardian has the story. Listening to Ladies has a new podcast up – this time interviewing Andrea Reinkemeyer.  Go to the website for more information, and…

  • Monday Link Round Up: November 20, 2017

    News to start your week! There have been some particularly excellent pieces to come out of WQXR in!  Their list of Eight Classical Era Composers who aren’t named Mozart or Haydn includes Maria Teresea Agnesi Pinottini, Princess Anna Amalia, and Marianne Martines. WQXR also included a list of works by Amy Beach in honor of her…

  • International Women’s Day

    We hope that you are able to participate in International Women’s Day and #DayWithoutAWoman in whatever way you can.  Stay home.  Wear red.  And tune in to the different radio stations that are making it a point to include works by women composers throughout today.   Second Inversion has committed to playing 24 hours of…

  • Monday Link Round Up: February 6, 2017

    News to start your week! PBS Newshour addressed the continuing obstacles facing women as conductors – specifically highlighting the Dallas Opera Conducting Institute.  Read the transcript of the piece on the website, or watch the segment below: We have mentioned the fantastic podcast Listening To Ladies many times already (and will continue to in the…