Tag: Hildegard of Bingen
Classical Music Moonlighters
The Guardian has a great piece up highlighting “Classical Music Moonlighters“. The list of composers who worked on music after they finished their day jobs includes: Ethel Smyth (who was a composer first and turned to writing books – including a multi-volume autobiography – later in life) St. Hildegard of Bingen (abbess, mystic, healer, author,…
Hildegard gets Top Billing at Musicology Conference
The American Musicological Society (together with the Society for Music Theory) is holding its annual conference next week in Milwaukee, WI. We are happy to note that the AMS President’s Endowed Plenary Lecture (Nov. 6) is a fascinating report on an interdisciplinary project. The official abstract follows: Hildegard’s Cosmos and Its Music: Making a Digital…
Hildegard’s Feast Day
Today is the Feast day of one of the best known women composers – and, typically, the only one to be included in a music history textbook – is Hildegard of Bingen. A 12th century abbess in Germany, Hildegard is remembered for being one of the first women to stand up against the Catholic Church and be…
NPR’s “Biggest Badass Composers”
NPR’s Deceptive Cadence picked up on a twitter feed recently questioning which composer is the “biggest badass”, with qualifications to include drugs, sex, guts and politics. The list of composers included (surprise!!!) no women. Though the list, which was compiled here, did include Carlo Gesualdo, a late Renaissance composer who is remembered for his madrigals,…