Louise Farrenc — Home

“Louise” by Clémentine Campardou. From the  CD of Louise Farrenc’s Symphonies and Overtures, recorded by the Insula Orchestra, dir. Laurence Equilbey, on the Erato label.  Used with permission.

“Louise Farrenc (1804-1875) was a prolific composer, performer, and teacher of art music in Romantic-era France. Widely regarded during her lifetime for her incredible natural talent and hard work, her compositions fell into obscurity after her death due to general disinterest in women’s contributions to art. As Farrenc started to become more recognized in the later 20th century, efforts were focused on reviving her instrumental works, but to this day little is known about her choral and vocal pieces.”

-Allika Polowchak, Louise Farrenc: A Woman Composer’s Voice Rising out of Obscurity.  An URGO Project (Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity) at Augsburg University, Spring 2024


Vocal – Product of URGO Project

Je me Taisais

Click for pdf download: Je me Taisais


Le Berger Fidele

For copy of manuscript, see Bibliothèque Nationale de France website


Le Prisonnier de Guerre

Click for pdf download: Le Prisonnier de Guerre

O Salutaris – (New recording coming soon!)

Click for pdf download: O Salutaris Hostia




For copy of manuscript, see Bibliothèque Nationale de France website


First Symphony

For copy of manuscript, see Bibliothèque Nationale de France website


About the Project

The Louise Farrenc site was brought to you by Allika Polowchak in collaboration with Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy, and funded by Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunities (URGO) at Augsburg University. By focusing on Farrenc’s vocal work, the URGO project aims to learn more about her, discover what some of the gaps are in current knowledge of her, and think about how scholars can bring more awareness to diverse groups of historical composers. Official tasks included transcribing, recording, and making publicly accessible some of her vocal music. While the project itself was focused mainly on Farrenc’s vocal music (and this will become evident in the fact that there is much information here on her vocal works), this website is dedicated to Farrenc’s fascinating life and incredible works in their entirety.