Monday Link Round Up: August 31, 2015

Some links to start your week: The Peabody Conservatory has announced that Marin Alsop will be taking over as Director of Graduate Conducting.  A fantastic appointment!  Read the press release here. We’ve been keeping up with the petition started by...

Monday Link Round Up: August 24, 2015

Start the week off right with some fresh links: We wrote last week about Jessy McCabe, the student in London who is petitioning for the school curriculum and exams to include works by women.  Her petition is closing in on 2,500 signatures, and there is still time to...

Monday Link Round Up: August 17, 2015

The dog days of summer means a slow news week, but here are a few links to catch up on as you start your week:   Alex Ross shared a recording of Liza Lim’s Invisibility at his blog, The Rest is Noise, perhaps in response to Lim’s own announcement of...

Monday Link Round Up: August 10, 2015

Some stories and links to start your week: Test your knowledge with the monthly quiz sponsored by Into the Light Radio.  The first person to correctly name the composer and piece will win an orchestral sampler CD from WPA!  Find the quiz here. Evelyn Glennie, who is...

Monday Link Roundup: August 3

Some news to start the week: Anna Meredith’s Smatter Hauler, a BBC Commission, received its World Premiere at The Proms – you can listen to a recording of the performance online here. Alex Ross attended a performance of The Wreckers and wrote about it...

Monday Link Roundup: July 27, 2015

Start your week right by getting caught up on the news: WPA President Liane Curtis was able to attend a performance of Ethel Smyth’s The Wreckers at Bard Summerscape.  Read her review here. And, in case you missed it, listen to the story about The Wreckers...