The Dream Unfinished in NYC
The message and importance of the #BlackLivesMatter movement becomes increasingly more relevant with each new day, and each new and horrific tragedy – like the police shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Minneapolis that occurred in...
New Work by Mary Watkins
The National Women’s Music Festival is well underway in Middleton, Wisconsin. The coming weekend will bring a full schedule of concerts, workshops, and opportunities to learn, share, and enjoy music by women in virtually every genre. It’s no surprise that...
Hannah Lash in New Haven
The New Haven Symphony Orchestra will be performing the second movement of a new work by Hannah Lash this Thursday (May 19), which is supported in part by a WPA Performance Grant. As composer in residence for the NHSO, Lash is composing a symphony inspired by the...
Music All Weekend
We continue to march on towards the end of the 2015-2016 concert season, and this weekend is full of concerts featuring works by women composers. We are also proud that we were able to support so many great ensembles – from coast to coast – with WPA...