Monday Link Round Up: November 4, 2019

Monday Link Round Up: November 4, 2019

News and music to start your week! In sad, but perhaps not surprising news, The Guardian reports that according to the Musicians Union, half of its members have received harassment at work, and a significant percentage of those who chose to leave their careers in...
Monday Link Round Up: October 28, 2019

Monday Link Round Up: October 28, 2019

News and music to start your week! It’s the perfect time of year to revisit one of our favorite blog posts about Elisabeth Lutyens (pictured above) who is often remembered as a composer for her many contributions to horror movie soundtracks! Enjoy!  If you dare...
Monday Link Round Up: October 21, 2019

Monday Link Round Up: October 21, 2019

News and Music to start your week! Last week saw the New York Premiere of Unsuk Chin’s “Su,” concerto for sheng, which had its world premiere in 2009.  The New York Times spoke to Ms. Chin (pictured above) in advance of the Philharmonic’s...
Monday Link Round Up: October 14, 2019

Monday Link Round Up: October 14, 2019

News and music to start your week! Contemporary Musical Theatre interviews composer Georgia Stitt. The focus is the organization Maestra Music which Stitt founded “to give support, visibility, and community to the women who make the music in the musical theater...
Monday Link Round Up: October 7, 2019

Monday Link Round Up: October 7, 2019

News and music to start your week! Music Specialist Susan Clermont, at the Library of Congress, wrote a post for the LOC blog “In the Muse” to celebrate the life and work of Barabara Strozzi, pictured above.  The Baroque era composer and singer published...