Kaija Saariaho has another new work being premiered this week. The Library of Congress has co-commissioned Light and Matter, a new work for piano trio, which will be premiered Friday, May 22. The same concert will also hear Saariaho’s Aure for violin and...
Here are some headlines worth paying attention to: Though the LA Philharmonic didn’t promote Saariaho’s world premiere, it received an excellent review in the LA Times: The performance was strong. Dudamel remained constantly attuned to Saariaho’s...
Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy will present the prestigious AMY award to the Community Women’s Orchestra of Oakland, CA, at their concert this Sunday (May 17). Celebrating their 30th anniversary, CWO has included works by one or more women on all their programs since...
Today’s Featured Guest Blogger is Dr. Laura Seddon. A musicologist working in the UK and author of British Women Composers and Instrumental Chamber Music in the Early Twentieth Century published by Ashgate, Dr. Seddon is the creative director of Contemporary...
The Los Angeles Philharmonic will be giving the World Premiere of a new commission by Kaija Saariaho. True Fire is written for orchestra and solo baritone and will be performed at concerts May 14-17. The composer says this about the work: This piece has been growing...