Many recent events have underscored the continued presence of racism in the United States, with instances of racially motivated violence make headlines from Ferguson to Baltimore to Charleston to New York City. Throughout the country these issues are being...
It is hard to not be encouraged and inspired by the recent attention and action around the lack of opportunities for women conductors. The momentum continues with the announcement that Alice Farnham will expand the workshop series she began in 2014 to provide even...
Some news stories to pay attention to as the week begins: NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday provided a profile of the women’s barbershop society, Sweet Adelines, now celebrating its 70th year. Read (and listen) more here. Not classical music, but interesting...
This year celebrates the 49th season of the Bar Harbor Music Festival. The 2015 season, which runs from June 28 to July 26, includes a huge variety of music styles with something to inspire virtually any concertgoer. Their innovative and inclusive programming of...
That Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra has an exciting summer season of concerts planned is no surprise – after all, their tagline is: “Performing diverse music for chamber orchestra.” That diversity is represented in creative and innovative...