Xian Zhang Featured in Article on Conductors

A New York Times article explores and explains the conductors job, how “he or she makes music’s meaning clear through body motion.” We are happy that Xian Zhang is included as one of seven conductors interviewed in the article, and featured with a...

A Woman Composer Speaks Out

Over on http://www.newmusicbox.org/ there is a lively—chaotic, even—debate going on about the identity politics of the “woman composer.”    Composer Rain Worthington wrote the post below as a comment to Rob Deemer’s post, A Helpful List .  With her...
Rochester PO Announces 2012-13 Season

Rochester PO Announces 2012-13 Season

The Rochester Philharmonic just announced its 2012-13 Season.  In his second season, Maestro Arild Remmereit will continue the orchestra’s exploration of great works by women, both historic and contemporary. As we mentioned in our earlier post, we are thrilled...
Opening Night at the Boston Symphony

Opening Night at the Boston Symphony

—  Hey, I haven’t worn a sandwich-board since the VPO protest of 1999!  A lot of fun! My sign reads: BSO, why are women composers excluded? 2011-2012: 70 pieces by 32 composers— ALL of them MEN. Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy www.wophil.org Sign our mailing...