Tag: violin concertos

  • Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received

    Martin Ash, a free-lance violist/violinist in the London area who has previously provided us these insightful blog posts about Laura Maddelena Lombardini (here and here), was in thick of the recent world premiere performance of Imogen Holst’s Violin Concerto (1935), as section violist.  So here is his report about the premiere of this work composed…

  • The Music of the Remarkable Mrs. Sirmen

    The Music of the Remarkable Mrs. Sirmen

    We apologise for taking so long to get back to Part II of our post about composer and violinist Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen (1745-1818).  Part I, about her life, is found here.  Our guest author is the London-based musician Martin Ash, whose website is www.martinashmusic.com. When Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen embarked on her career, the…

  • Featured Guest Blogger: Carol Cubberley on (RE)Discovering Amanda Maier

    Carol Cubberley, a freelance violinist in Boston, MA, became interested in uncovering music by women while at Boston Conservatory, and chose to play only music composed by women at her masters recital.  In 2013 Carol was the violinist for the Apple Hill Festival fellowship trio and was a teaching assistant at Apple Hill in the summer of…