Tag: The Wreckers
Dr. Marcia J. Citron on The Wreckers at Houston Grand Opera
We are deeply honored to have Dr. Marcia J. Citron as a guest blogger. Dr. Citron is Professor Emerita at the Shepherd School of Music, Rice University. The author of When Opera Meets Film (Cambridge UP, 2010) and Opera on Screen (Yale UP, 2000), her groundbreaking book Gender and the Musical Canon (1993, reprint 2000)…
Some (GOOD) News for Today!
Some GOOD News for your Wednesday! We are so excited that Ethel Smyth’s The Wreckers is receiving an important production at the Houston Grand Opera, and that critics and audiences are THRILLED! The Houston Press calls the 1906 work “an absolute marvel” and demands “Where has she been and what has taken so long?” Dr.…
The Wreckers Storms Houston!
by Amy Zigler, PhD, Associate Professor of Music, Salem College 116 years after its premiere, Dame Ethel Smyth’s The Wreckers received its first-ever staging by a major American opera house. In keeping with its renewed focus on the ‘grand’ in Houston Grand Opera, the HGO production on Friday October 28, 2022 was a powerful tour-de-force,…
Smyth’s Mass in Australia, Oct. 9!
We rarely blog on the weekends, but we wanted to make sure we mentioned the performance tomorrow (Sunday, Oct. 9) in Australia of Ethel Smyth’s Mass — it may in fact be the first performance of that monumental work in Australia, and it is very a rare all-Smyth concert (including overtures from her opera The Wreckers),…