Tag: symphony

  • Elizabeth recommends: Essential Orchestral Music by Women

    Elizabeth recommends: Essential Orchestral Music by Women

    By Elizabeth de Brito In this brand-new series, we will be introducing some of the essential orchestral music by women. We offer starting points for those unfamiliar with the vast body of work by women. This is not an exhaustive list, there are many more brilliant pieces to recommend, however these represent a solid base on…

  • Dora Pejačević — another composer whose time has come?

    With two upcoming performances of music by Dora Pejačević taking place in the next few weeks, we wonder if this remarkable but little-known composer, who was writing powerful orchestral works a century ago, is finally ready for rediscovery.  [Wondering how to pronounce Pejačević?] A recipient of our Performance Grant, the Willamette Falls Symphony, will be performing…

  • Contemporary Symphonies

    The current issue of The New Yorker includes a column by Alex Ross in which he explores the ways in which the symphony has transformed in new music.   As one would expect, it covered the most familiar names with only a few surprises (including Gloria Coates who, to date, has written 15 symphonies). Ross saved his more…