Hannah Lash is a young and rising composer, whose body of works is impressive considering her age. Her most recent piece, a chamber opera entitled “Blood Rose” and based on the tale of “Beauty and the Beast” will be premiered in New York City tomorrow, September...
The 2010 Proms season is well under way in London, with only two weeks left before the final concert. For those of us who are unable to make the trip across the pond, the BBC is broadcasting all of the concerts on Radio 3, and is also making the broadcasts available...
The San Francisco Symphony just hosted Sofia Gubaidulina in its inaugural Phyllis C. Wattis composer-in-residency. The two week residency, which ended on February 27th, was created in honor of a former SFS board member and philanthropist in the Bay Area. (More...
The London Times reported that Sir Peter Maxwell Davies has set text by Hildegard of Bingen in a new work: Liber Pulsationis Fabulatoris (which translates to, “The Book of Pulsations of the Creator of Legends.”) The piece was commissioned as part of the celebration...
The New York Times reviewed the premiere of Ellen Taaffe Zwilich’s Symphony No. 5. Zwilich, who has broken a lot of ground for women composers including being the first woman composer to earn a doctorate from Juilliard as well as being the first woman composer to win...