As I mentioned at the beginning of this month, every month is Women’s History Month at WPA, as it is in every feminist community. There are many concerns and mixed feelings about what it means to separate one month for the recognition of one group – and...
As I mentioned during her Feast Day, Hildegard of Bingen is clearly one of the most extraordinary women in history, if not the most extraordinary. Her achievements, including standing up to and even actively challenging The Church, and recording her visions and...
It has been 831 years since the death of Hildegard of Bingen, and her music and writings are still making a dramatic impact throughout scholarship and popular culture. To celebrate her Feast Day have a listen to her work performed traditionally:
I was lucky enough to be invited to hear a concert given by Tapestry this past weekend. My home in eastern Pennsylvania, about halfway between Philadelphia and New York City, is not known as a stopping point for touring artists. However, the undergraduate conference...
The London Times reported that Sir Peter Maxwell Davies has set text by Hildegard of Bingen in a new work: Liber Pulsationis Fabulatoris (which translates to, “The Book of Pulsations of the Creator of Legends.”) The piece was commissioned as part of the celebration...