Tag: conference
Monday Link Round Up: April 6, 2020
News and music to start your week! Frank Oteri at New Music Box has another insightful interview to share. This time with composer, vocalist, and flautist Nathalie Joachim, pictured above. Read on and listen in at NewMusicBox. The Center for Art and Media of Karlsruhe University (ZTM) is launching a four-week online conference on women…
Conferences, concerts as eventful Women’s History month is launched
March is always busy, and this one is especially so! Feb. 29 (Leap day!) we have a concert by the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony featuring the he West Coast premiere of Ethel Smyth’s Overture to her opera The Boatswain’s Mate. This overture includes Smyth’s famous anthem, The March of the Women, and is included in…
the 44th Annual SAM Conference (part 1): Three Operas
Our reporter Tim Diovanni continues his report from the Society for American Music 44th Annual Conference. (Read his Introduction here) Operas by Beach, Smyth, and Higdon: Compelling Opportunities for Diversification In this first installment of the series, I concentrate on three operas—Cabildo (composed 1932, premiered 1945), Der Wald (1902), and Cold Mountain (2015)—by Amy Beach, Ethel…