Monday Link Round Up: October 19, 2020

News and music to start your week!

ICareIfYouLIsten poses five questions to Nia Imani, pictured above, soprano and founder of ComposeHer, “an initiative meant to advance and nurture women and girls in classical composition and musicianship.” 

The blog at WQXR highlights the new recordings that have been made – including works by Florence Price, Julius Eastman, and the first known woman composers in America at the Ephrata Cloister Meetinghouse.  These new opportunities mean a wider representation and truer history of the work being done in music, and I, for one, look forward to more recordings of underrepresented music.  

Pianist and scholar Lara Downes speaks with Rhiannon Giddens in a new series called Amplify, designed to lift Black voices in music.  Read on at NPR, and listen  in below: 

The Jack Quartet has a new recording of works by Italian composer Clara Iannotta.  Read the review at The Guardian and listen in below:

NewMusicBox returns to the topic of the long foretold “death” of classical music – and the article last year by Nebal Maysaud about why we should let classical music as we know it die – with an update in this time of COVID.  Read the conversation with Imani Mosley and Nebal Maysaud here – which includes additional links to the full conversation.  

And congratulations to guest blogger Quinn Mason who was featured in Texas Monthly as the next classical music “superstar” in composition, including discussion of his upcoming premiere.  We are so glad to have you part of our team, Quinn!

What did we miss?  What are you reading?  Let us know at [email protected]!