Monday Link Round Up: November 30, 2015

Enjoy some Thanksgiving leftovers and catch up on news to start your week!


A performance by the Tehran Symphony Orchestra was cancelled last minute when organizers of the event told the conductor that women were not allowed to perform on stage.  Read the story, and learn more about the restrictions that women musicians have faced in Iran, here.


British composer Julia Hodkinson is the first woman to be awarded the Carl Nielsen Legat for her new concerto for electric guitar and orchestra, …CAN MODIFY COMPLETELY/IN THIS CASE/NOT THAT IT WILL MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE….  Read the press release about the award here.


And for a bit of history, check out the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Archives to read about Helen Kotas, the first woman to hold a rostered position in the ensemble – and the first woman to be hired as principal of any section in the country (harpists excluded).


What did we miss?  As always, let us know in the comments!