Monday Link Round Up: November 11, 2019

News and music to start your week!

Marin Alsop is the new chief conductor of Vienna’s ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra – it’s the first time a woman has been named chief conductor in Austria.  Read on at RTL Today.

Tom Huizenga of NPR’s Deceptive Cadence reviews Caroline Shaw’s new work for voice and string quartet titled “And So”.  Watch the video of the performance here.

The Guardian has a piece from composer Emily Howard discussing how the 19th-century mathematician and writer Ada Lovelace inspired her compositional work.

The Dallas News discussed two events, the Dallas Opera women conductors symposium, and the more general symposium for women in classical music, offered by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.  Read more about the work of the projects and the experiences of the students – including conductor Ruth Reinhardt, pictured above.

And we offer Dr. Penny Brandt’s take on the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Symposium.

Read, too, about the “gender problem” in opera and the work that is being done to make the art form more equitable in representation of conductors, composers, and directors at The Stage.

And Quinn Mason reviews the latest CD by the Chicago Sinfonietta.

On New Music Box, Jennifer Jolley offers a probing interview of the white male composer who published music using a female, Japanese pseudonym.

Be sure to let us know what we missed and what you are listening to!  [email protected]


