Monday Link Round Up: March 30, 2020

News and music to start your week!

Valerie Coleman

Congratulations go to composer and flautist Valerie Coleman, pictured, who was named 2020 Classical Woman of the Year by Performance Today.  Read more at Broadway World.

Alex Ross writes at his blog, The Rest is Noise, about the upcoming performance of Kate Soper’s opera The Romance of the Rose, which has now been postponed.  While we continue to anticipate this event, we can also revisit Ross’s esssay on Soper’s opera Ipsa Dixit in 2017 at The New Yorker, which begins with the provocative and highly relevant statement, There is a good argument to be made for retiring the words “genius” and “masterpiece” from critical discourse.

International Contemporary Ensemble, and Music on the Rebound invite YOU to collaborate in participating in Pauline Oliveros’ The Worldwide Tuning Meditation live via Zoom on four different dates.  The first was March 28, but we can all look forward towards April 4, 11, and 18.  Read more about the Rebound Festival, this project specifically, and how you can participate in the work during your own time of social distancing here.

Louise Farrenc is in the news with this brilliant short video from the 92nd Street Y, and also with this new CD from Naxos that includes her first Symphony, her two Overtures and the premiere recording of the Grand Variations on a theme by Count Gallenberg (for piano and orchestra).

Hope you are all well and staying positive! Anyone up for sending us their playlists (on Spotify or Youtube) with your favorites by women composers and underrepresented friends?  [email protected]


