News to start your week!
We can look forward to an excellent Ojai Festival in 2016 with music director Peter Sellars who announced that the festival will feature works by Kaija Saariaho, Caroline Shaw, Pauline Oliveros, Carla Kihlstedt, Sharon Hurvitz, and Tania León. Read the announcement at the New York Times or Sellar’s own thoughts on the programming at the Ojai Festival website.
New Music Box featured a conversation with composer Mary Jane Leach. Learn more about her music, inspiration, and compositional process.
Congratulations to the Princeton Symphony Orchestra who was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to help fund a community engagement project related to a newly commissioned work by Sarah Kirkland Snider. Planet Princeton has the story.
A new month means another chance to win at the Into The Light Radio quiz! See if you can guess the work by a woman composer and win a Sampler CD of Orchestral Music from Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy! The December Quiz can be found here. Our President Liane Curtis is very excited about this month’s quiz! 😀