Monday Link Round Up: August 24, 2020

News and music to start your week!

The Philadelphia Orchestra joins in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment in the US.  In a special conversation taking place on August 26, First Associate Concertmaster Juliette Kang, Composer In Residence Gabriela Lena Frank, soprano Angel Blue (pictured above), and Jennifer Higdon will discuss the racial history of the suffrage movement and the ways in which women artists are using those lessons in creating a path for a more equal future.  Learn more here.

Speaking of The Philadelphia Orchestra, we noticed their wonderful Seven O’Clock Shout, which they commissioned from composer Valerie Coleman. The work celebrates the Covid-19 era practice of cheering for essential workers.

Follow the work of The Daffodil Perspective’s Elizabeth de Brito with coming to terms with the inherent racism in the world of classical music, and her personal work to identify and eradicate racism in the work she does creating inclusive radio programming.  This past week she discussed the topic with Nate Holder – watch the conversation here. spoke to the anonymous team behind the OrchestraIsRacist Instagram account.  Read the article here for more information about why the account exists and the purpose it serves.

American composer Jennifer Higdon was interviewed by 91 Classical out of Nashville about her experience as a composer.

What did we miss?  What are you reading?  Let us know at [email protected]!