Expanding the Music Theory Canon — new textbook

An important new book is being released today!   Expanding the Music Theory Canon: Inclusive Examples for Analysis from the Common Practice Period  by Dr Paula Maust  is a print volume drawn from her Website of the same name.  Providing selections by women and BIPOC composers, 255 musical examples are organized topically and include excerpts as well as nineteen complete pieces for analysis. While there are several websites that collect examples offering diversity, this is the first book to do so for both women and people of color, and it will be very valuable in the classroom, for keeping students “on the same” page — making sure they have materials and resources at hand and on which to base classroom assignments.  30 years ago, Joseph N. Straus compiled a book of 102 examples by 19 women composers, and that has been a valuable resource, but I do also remember it being very expensive (and now it is out of print).  Dr. Maust’s book not only offers a larger collection and expands the diverse range of composers, also it is reasonably priced at $49.95.  Including a biographical introduction for each composer, this is welcome addition to the music theory classroom!  Dr. Paula Maust teaches music theory at the Peabody Institute, performs as an organist and harpsichordist, has published in professional journals, and wrote the preface for our edition of Amy Beach’s concert aria, op. 18, Eilende Wolken, Segler der Lüfte.