ICYMI: Alan Gilbert on the Future of Orchestras

ICYMI: Alan Gilbert on the Future of Orchestras

In case you missed it, Alan Gilbert gave a talk to the Royal Philharmonic Society about the future of orchestras which is worth the attention of all classical music enthusiasts.  In his time at the New York Philharmonic Gilbert has ruffled feathers with his innovative...

Curtis on tour features Higdon Viola Concerto!

(3/14/2015)    “Curtis On Tour” is the Curtis Institute of Music’s annual showcase of its students and some distinguished alumni.  Last year I attended their concert in Boston, and just last night I was thrilled to be able to hear their chamber orchestra at U.C....

The “Female Beethoven” rediscovered in north Germany!

“The Norwegians have their Grieg, The Finns their Sibelius, the Poles have their Chopin.  And WE have Emilie Mayer – we just didn’t know it until now!”  So proclaimed the northern German Nordkurrier  in May 2012, when the Neubrandenburger Philharmonie...

2010-2011 Repertoire Report

While our priority at the moment is to get the word out about our Performance Grants, we thought we might take a moment to reaffirm the need for those grants, by taking a close look at some data about what orchestras are programming.  In our work to level the playing...