Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received

Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received

Martin Ash, a free-lance violist/violinist in the London area who has previously provided us these insightful blog posts about Laura Maddelena Lombardini (here and here), was in thick of the recent world premiere performance of Imogen Holst’s Violin Concerto (1935),...
This weekend:  Marianne Martines and Judith Weir

This weekend: Marianne Martines and Judith Weir

Marianne Martines’ works continue gaining recognition – Boston’s Horizon Ensemble performs her Symphony in C on Sunday, Oct. 6 – the concert is “pay what you can” and will stream, if you are unable to attend in person.  More information here.   The theme of the...
WPA News Digest – September 16, 2024

WPA News Digest – September 16, 2024

To start your week, here are a few recent stories that caught our attention! In a surprising announcement this week, the Berlin Philharmonic’s concertmaster Vineta Sareika has announced that she will leave her position with the orchestra. Her final appearances...
Listen to this!  Farrenc Symphony n. 3 streams!

Listen to this! Farrenc Symphony n. 3 streams!

We know Louise Farrenc is one of our favorite composers, and one we discuss frequently, but still it is not often that a major US orchestra performs her work AND makes it available in a streaming format!  The American Symphony Orchestra, directed by Leon Botstein,...
A few events, May 5-7, 2023

A few events, May 5-7, 2023

There are so many exciting concerts happening in this busy time!  We hope you get to take in a few — or more!  Just to highlight some very special events — May 5-6, the Boulanger Initiative has their annual WOCO Fest “Awaken!” — ...