Category: Boston


    As this year marks Amy Beach’s 150th birthday, much is being done in celebration about this remarkable woman’s life and work! Numerous orchestras, choral ensembles, chamber ensembles and soloists around the world have performed or will be performing works by the pioneering American composer/pianist this year and next in celebration.  There are new recordings available…

  • Listen to FEMALE CONDUCTORS — a whole LOT of them!!

    Back on Aug. 9, 2015, Jeremy Eichler (the Boston Globe’s classical music critic) annoyed me by repeatedly using male pronouns in an article about the art of conducting.  True, the article’s focus was the Boston SO’s new(ish) music director Andris Nelsons, but I bristled and rolled my eyes reading sentences like “…players can size up…

  • Update: Marin Alsop at Harvard

    Update: The Harvard Review reports on the conversation with Alsop, as she received the distinguished Luise Vosgerchian Teaching Award Original post:  Internationally acclaimed conductor Marin Alsop will be at Harvard University on March 24 to receive the Luise Vosgerchian Teaching Award. That Alsop is being honored is no surprise.  Her innovative programming, educational and outreach efforts…

  • Amy Beach’s European Successes Recalled by Musical America; article of 100 years ago reprinted

    The noted publication Musical America recalled Amy Beach’s travels and concertizing a century ago, by reprinting an article from October 17, 1914 that interviewed the composer and gave details of her trip. Musical America offered links to a scanned version of the original article (PDF), and also to a reprinting of the text.  Written during Beach’s shipboard return following several years…