Monday Link Round Up: August 24, 2015

Start the week off right with some fresh links: We wrote last week about Jessy McCabe, the student in London who is petitioning for the school curriculum and exams to include works by women.  Her petition is closing in on 2,500 signatures, and there is still time to...
A Call to Action

A Call to Action

This past year has brought about important conversations about women’s work in music, and many highly publicized opportunities for the public at large to become more informed and engaged with often-neglected music.  Laura Seddon mentioned in her guest blog that...
A Conversation with Alice Parker

A Conversation with Alice Parker

We are always enthusiastic to support the work of student scholars, especially as they increase the knowledge of the work of women composers.  Most recently we were delighted to help students in WPA Board Member Beth Denisch’s Women Composers course at Berklee...
ICYMI: Alan Gilbert on the Future of Orchestras

ICYMI: Alan Gilbert on the Future of Orchestras

In case you missed it, Alan Gilbert gave a talk to the Royal Philharmonic Society about the future of orchestras which is worth the attention of all classical music enthusiasts.  In his time at the New York Philharmonic Gilbert has ruffled feathers with his innovative...
Indiegogo Campaign Launch!

Indiegogo Campaign Launch!

  After an incredibly successful round of Performance Grant applications this past December, we are excited to offer these grants again this year!  In order to do so, we need to raise $10,000, and are looking for your support!   Visit our Indiegogo campaign...
Celebrating Florence Price

Celebrating Florence Price

The work to level the playing field for women composers means more than encouraging the inclusion of compositions by women on concert programs.  Advocating for women can mean helping the wider public to become familiar even with the names of significant figures.  Most...