Category: academia
SAM Conference: Day 1
We are at the Society for American Music Conference in New Orleans and looking forward to many days of great papers, conversations, and opportunities to advocate for the works of women composers. Today was filled with fascinating and intersectional conversations about music and meaning, race and gender, and how individuals are represented and given a…
Featured Guest blogger: Musicologists on Fanny Hensel’s songs
Dr. Penny Brandt continues her report on the 2018 joint conference of the American Musicological Society/Society for Music Theory. My favorite session at AMS/SMT this year was the Sunday morning joint session on “The Songs of Fanny Hensel” chaired by R. Larry Todd (Duke University). In this session, ten scholars gave “lightning” presentations describing their…
Featured Guest Blogger: Could an Academic Conference pass the Bechdel Test?
We welcome Dr. Penny Brandt to Feminist in the Concert Hall! She is a musicologist who recently completed a Ph.D. Dissertation on composer Elsa Olivieri Sangiacomo Respighi, and who is known for her leadership role with the Hartford Festival of Women Composers. This past weekend, I attended the annual meetings of the American Musicological Society…
A musical “blind taste-test” casts light on the biased processes of Canon-formation
Salastina Music Society carried out a remarkably original experiment last weekend (Oct. 6 & 7) – raising issues of how and why some works get into the classical music canon – and some works don’t. Salastina’s two directors were struck by a certain piano trio, and astonished that they hadn’t heard of it previously. So…