Feminist in the Concert Hall
WPA News Digest – December 23, 2024
Happy Holidays, dear WPA readers! There's plenty of holiday cheer for women in music as 2024 comes to a close! Conductor Stephanie Childress will ring in the New Year on December 31 with the St Louis Symphony Orchestra. This concert will be her second return...
Composers to Discover! Irene Britton Smith (and celebrating her birthday Dec. 22!)
We are happy to continue our series, Composers to Discover! featuring essays by students in the Public Musicology Certificate Program at Columbus State University, coordinated by Dr. Reba Wissner. Today’s essay is by Riley Bryan, a recent graduate of the Schwob...
WPA News Digest – December 16, 2024
It's an exciting time for women in classical music! Here's this week's update! Jessica Joy Harned has recently released her theatrical orchestra experience Classical Queens: Our Time, deriving from Harned's original research project-turned-podcast Classical Queens....
Imogen Holst’s Concerto Enthusiastically Received
Martin Ash, a free-lance violist/violinist in the London area who has previously provided us these insightful blog posts about Laura Maddelena Lombardini (here and here), was in thick of the recent world premiere performance of Imogen Holst’s Violin Concerto (1935),...
WPA News Digest – December 9, 2024
There's lots to celebrate as we prepare for the winter holidays! Videmus Inc., via a new arrangement with Boosey & Hawkes, is publishing editions of composer Julia Perry's previously-unpublished music. The Estate of Julia A. Perry (which had to be established as a...
Support Our Work!!
We launched our "Giving Tuesday" fund-drive on our Substack account, and now bring it here as well, so everyone is reminded to donate, and has a chance to get our awesome thank you gifts! From: Dr. Liane Curtis, President, Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Dear friend,...