Hannah Lash is a young and rising composer, whose body of works is impressive considering her age. Her most recent piece, a chamber opera entitled “Blood Rose” and based on the tale of “Beauty and the Beast” will be premiered in New York City tomorrow, September...
The New York Times recently referred to Kaija Saariaho as “the world’s longest-toiling overnight success.” The article by Cori Ellison, makes the reference in regard to the success of Saariaho’s first opera “L’Amour de Loin” at the 2000 Salzburg Festival – a...
It has been 831 years since the death of Hildegard of Bingen, and her music and writings are still making a dramatic impact throughout scholarship and popular culture. To celebrate her Feast Day have a listen to her work performed traditionally:
Last fall Hilary Hahn premiered Jennifer Higdon’s Violin Concerto, which was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 2010. Hahn’s recording of the work, which she made with Vasily Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic) is scheduled for release on September 21. However,...
The New York Times recently ran a short article about an upcoming concert series hosted by Issue Project Room in Brooklyn, NY. Issue Project Room defines its mission as: ISSUE Project Room embraces the integrity of creative exploration and the spirit of unfettered...