In case you missed it, Alan Gilbert gave a talk to the Royal Philharmonic Society about the future of orchestras which is worth the attention of all classical music enthusiasts. In his time at the New York Philharmonic Gilbert has ruffled feathers with his innovative...
Canadian composer Laura Pettigrew is internationally recognized for her compositions – which include works for voice, large ensemble, chamber ensembles, and film. Pettigrew is also actively involved several organizations working for equal representation for...
The Chicago Composers Orchestra is partnering with the Chicago Composers’ Consortium, whose joint venture was awarded a 2014 Performance Grant, for an exciting concert featuring premieres by four up and coming women composers. Works include the Chicago premiere...
Featured Guest Blogger: Kendra Preston Leonard Today we feature the second installment in our Featured Guest Blogger series, again focusing on the work of Kendra Preston Leonard and her new book on Lousie Talma. Leonard is a musicologist whose work focuses on women...
Congratulations to Julia Wolfe on winning the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Anthracite Fields. The piece is an oratorio inspired and based on the lives of Pennsylvania coal miners. It was commissioned by the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia. Their website is full of...