The current issue of The New Yorker includes a column by Alex Ross in which he explores the ways in which the symphony has transformed in new music. As one would expect, it covered the most familiar names with only a few surprises (including Gloria Coates who, to date, has written 15 symphonies).
Ross saved his more complete list for his blog since, as Ross noted, the column wasn’t intended to be a bibliography. The more extended list includes some great reminders of women who have composed in the genre including:
What great inspiration not only for weekend listening, but for future programming! Our 2015 Performance Grant applications are now live – this is the perfect opportunity for professional, community, or youth ensembles to acquire funding to rent music or hire the additional musicians necessary while expanding their repertoire by performing works by women composers. Have a listen to Zwilich’s Pulitzer Prize winning Symphony No. 1 and get inspired to begin an application, or pass on news of the opportunity to you favorite ensemble.