Tag: Shuying Li
Link Roundup: June 6, 2023
Readers have bemoaned the lapse of our Link Roundup feature, SO, we are going to try and get back in the swing of it! It just seems like there is SO much important news sometimes, and we can’t claim to have a complete grasp on it — but here are a FEW important and exciting…
Monday Link Round Up: May 24, 2021
News and music to start your week! Read about the beautiful collaboration that is occurring in the Burkina Faso capital, Ouagadougou. Japanese composer Keiko Fujiie and a Burkinabè griot (traditional story-teller and musician) Maboudou Sanou (pictured above) are working together to develop an opera based on a novel by Moyi Mborangon. The BBC has the…