Monday Link Round Up: October 30, 2017

News to start your week!

Celebrate Halloween with a soundtrack of music by women composers!  Check out this fantastic YouTube playlist put together by Music Theory Examples by Women!


Composer Lisa Bielawa writes on NewMusicBox about her new serial opera, Vireo.  It is a great read about the work’s long path between inspiration, development, and production – with the work now streaming online!  Read on here.


The shortlist for the British Composers Awards was announced – and or the first time in the competition’s  history, the Orchestral category features an all-female shortlist.  Nominated pieces include works by Helen Grime, Tansy Davies and Emily Howard.  Read on here.


Have you purchased your Listening to Ladies swag yet?  Help support the Compass New Music concert series!



What did we miss?  What re you reading?  Leave a link and let us know!