Monday Link Round Up: March 4, 2019

Celebrate Women’s History Month by remembering women composers!

Our 2019 Women Composers Calendar is now ON SALE!  Grab your copy for just $13, including shipping.  Find it in our shop.

Plan ahead for the Women Composers Festival of Hartford Festival!  Find the full schedule of events and get your tickets at the WCFH Website.

Get a daily dose of #5womencomposers at the Music Theory Examples by Women Facebook page. (And music educators can enhance their curricula  with the amazing resources at the MTEW website.

Catch up on podcasts by Listening to Ladies, where Elizabeth Blair has conversations with contemporary women composers.

And expand your knowledge through the Composer Diversity Institute.

The New York Times has an article highlighting three overlooked works from mid-20th century composers, including Vivian Fine.  We suggest Louise Talma, Julia Perry, and Margaret Bonds as composers to also include in that list.

What resources did we miss?? Be sure to let us know! [email protected]