News to start your week!
OPERA America has announced recipients for their Grants for Female Composers initiative for 2018. Eight women composers have received funds to support operas currently in development. Read more about the winners, and the forthcoming works, here.
And speaking of opera, Tim Diovanni reports on a session about three operas by women, which took place at the recent conference of the Society for American Music.
The British Music Collection has a conversation with composer Zeynep Bulut as part of their #afemalecomposeraday campaign. Bulut is an academic researcher as well as creator, focusing in experimental music, voice, and sound studies. Learn more about her work and experiences as a woman in the field of music here.
Listening to Ladies has a new podcast ready for listening – a conversation with Australian composer Nicole Murphy. Learn more at the LtL website and listen below:
Have you been following Music Theory Examples by Women on Twitter? If not, be sure to jump over and take part in their March Madness for Women Composers! They are also spearheading #5WomenComposers throughout the month of March.