Monday Link Round Up: July 30, 2018

News and music to start your week!

A fascinating article by composer Jenny Giering who compares her own experiences with visions she experienced with migraines and the visions described by Abbess Hildegard von Bingen as she received music and instruction.  It is featured in a series discussing disability in The New York Times.

Siobhán Cleary

Irish composer Siobhán Cleary has brought to light the systematic and persistent discrimination that can be found in the music world.  The Irish Times just reported the Cleary has turned down a commission offered by two Irish Arts Council-funded organizations because she was offered 20% less than her male colleagues have been for the same commission.

Anne Midgette and Peggy McGlone co-authored an extensive piece for The Washington Post about the culture of sexual harassment and abuse in the classical music community.  The article details many specific incidents, and how the #MeToo movement can impact changes moving forward.

I Care if You Listen spoke to Gabriella Smith about her music, where she finds inspiration, and the challenges with working with vastly different forms and ensembles.

Finally, we wanted to share Inge Klopfer‘s “So sexistisch ist die Klassik  — Classical Music is So Sexist” which appeared on June 13, 2018 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.  So here’s our translation of it!

We’d love to hear from you!  Write us at [email protected]!