News to start your week!

PBS Newshour addressed the continuing obstacles facing women as conductors – specifically highlighting the Dallas Opera Conducting Institute.  Read the transcript of the piece on the website, or watch the segment below:

We have mentioned the fantastic podcast Listening To Ladies many times already (and will continue to in the future, as well!)  Now you can learn more about the founder – composer Elizabeth Blair.  She had a conversation with Rebecca Lentjes at  Learn more about Blair’s continued work, and what you can do to help support this important endeavor!

Maggie Molloy at Second Inversion has collected ten feminist works by women composers – ranging from Ethel Smyth to Meredith Monk, Ruth Crawford Seeger to Angelique Poteat.  Read on, and listen in to these familiar and unfamiliar works, here.

Tomorrow, February 7, the Seattle Collaborative Orchestra is performing a concert of chamber works at Roosevelt High School in Seattle, Washington.  The program will include works by Caroline Shaw, Alexandra Gardner, Angelique Poteat, Anna Clyne, and more!   Learn more here!

What did we miss?  Leave a comment and a link and let us know what you’ve been reading — or listening to!