Monday Link Round Up: February 26, 2018

News to start your week!

ArtsBoston put together a list of 10 Contemporary Black Composers You Should Know.  Included on the list are Jessie Montgomery, Pamela Z, and Chanda Dancy.  Read, listen, and share this important list!

Brenda Ravenscroft, Dean at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University, was recognized by the Society for Music Theory with their 2017 Outstanding Multi-Authord Publication Award for Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers.  She was interviewed about her work on the McGill website.

The season announcements (notable for their exclusion of women) that have been making the rounds (in no small part thanks to the great images put together by Music Theory Examples by Women) have been remarked on by some larger media outlets.  Classical FM highlights the continued gender disparity here.

The Guardian speaks with Nezhat Amiri – Iran’s first and only female conductor.  She speaks about her career, challenges, and opportunities.