News to start your week!
NPR covered the story of a high school outside of St. Paul, Minnesota which is dedicated to diverse repertoire for the band program. The directors are committed to programming works by women and people of color. Read the fantastic story here, or listen below. We applaud their great work! (And, remember, student, community, and professional orchestras can get funding from a WPA Performance Grant to support performances by works by women composers!)
The Houston Press has a guide to 10 Female Electronic artists that we should know. Moving beyond Pauline Oliveros who broke ground in the field, the article introduces readers to many young artists, and provides listening samples for each.
Phoenix, Arizona has a new all-women orchestra! The Arizona Women’s Orchestra was founded by conductor Livia Gho and has its premiere performance on February 26. We are also excited to learn that the ensemble is striving to highlight more women conductors and composers in future programs. Learn more here.
Don’t miss the latest episode of Listening to Ladies – featuring Dolores White! Visit the website, listen below, and learn how you can help support the great work being done at this podcast!
What did we miss? What are you reading? Leave a link and comment below!