Monday Link Round Up: December 18, 2017

News to start your week!

Aaron Gervais at NewMusicBox continues the discussion of inclusivity and diversity as it relates to classical music in a thoughtful piece about how to move forward meaningfully.  Lengthy – but important.  Read it here.

The #MeToo movement is bringing important light to topics that have been relegated to the shadows for too long – in all industries, including classical music.  Ellen McSweeney explores the role of sexual violence in the classical world, and how the power structures within the music community help create an environment that is beneficial to abusers.  Read more at

Mezzo soprano Jennifer Johnston continues the conversation at The Guardian calling for acknowledgement of the abuses of power, and for real and lasting changes for the industry as a whole.

In their end of year discussion, NewMusicBox included staff picks for albums – with great new works that deserve our ear!  Listen in here.