September 5 — Happy Birthday, Amy Beach —  We are proud to be making much of her music available in our carefully edited and reasonably priced editions!

and TBT —  7 years since this wonderful article in the NY Times, to celebrate her 150th!!
Much has happened since then, many performances of Beach’s music, from her monumental symphony to chamber and solo works — YET — some problems remain the same. STILL only two professional recordings of her great Symphony, op. 32 “Gaelic.” Still NO professional recording of her amazing Grand Mass, op. 5!! And still not enough recordings of her great Piano Concerto. While a few works that *have* been recorded enough, starting with the song “The Year’s at the Spring”  🙂 , still EVERY work for large ensemble — orchestra, choir with orchestra, soloist with orchestra — needs more (or in some cases still the first!) quality professional recordings.  We are so happy that plans are in the works to record Beach’s two concert arias! Watch this space for more news about that!
AND — showing Beach is having an impact on the world of popular music, here’s a cover of (dramatic pause) “The Year’s at the Spring” by the Well Tempered Ukes.  And the newly released cover of Beach’s The Candy Lion, by the Dashing Skull Club,
in the background of this fun video, and featured here.  

Enjoy the Celebration!